Global Environmental Health
Environmental Health and Sustainable Development, with Sir Andrew Haines
September 18, 2013
Expert: Andrew Haines, MBBS, M.D.
As the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approach their 2015 deadline, leaders are considering ways to build upon and expand the successes of the MDGs after 2015. In this podcast, Sir Andrew Haines discusses how the new set of strategies, goals, and indicators can simultaneously improve health and increase sustainability.
As the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approach their 2015 deadline, leaders are considering ways to build upon and expand the successes of the MDGs after 2015. In this podcast, Sir Andrew Haines discusses how the new set of strategies, goals, and indicators can simultaneously improve health and increase sustainability.
Featured Expert
Sir Andrew Haines, MBBS, M.D. is Professor of Public Health and Primary Care at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). He previously served as Director (originally Dean) of LSHTM for nearly 10 years. An epidemiologist and practitioner of family medicine, Sir Haines has worked internationally in Nepal, Jamaica, Canada, and the United States and been a member of a number of major international and national committees. He is currently a member of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, an interdisciplinary group that provides technical advice on the post-2015 development agenda. He has also been a member of the WHO Advisory Committee on Health Research and of Working Group 2 of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for the second and third assessment reports. He is currently review editor of the health chapter of the IPCC’s fifth assessment report.
For More Information
- Sustainable Development Solutions Network
- Millennium Development Goals: Beyond 2015
- Health in the Green Economy (World Health Organization)