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A Pioneer in Autism Research, NIEHS Expands Its Commitment

Unraveling the role of environmental exposures is at the heart of the decades-long autism research program.

woman testing a child in a classroom

Breathing Easier: Uncovering Links Between Air Pollution Control Measures and Health

To study health effects of air pollution control policies in China, researchers modeled changes in sulfate levels over 13 years.

large city with thick haze

Voices From the Field: Combating Maternal Mortality Through Statistics and Epidemiology

NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholar is examining how genes, the environment, and racial and ethnic disparities contribute to the risk of dangerous pregnancy conditions.

On World Environment Day, Millions are Demanding a Plan to Beat Plastic

World Environment Day was held on June 5 celebrating its 50th anniversary. Led by United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), World Environment Day is the biggest international day for the environment.

NIEHS Informs Health Guidance at World’s Largest Digital Dumpsite

NIEHS-funded researchers study the effects of electronic waste — the fastest growing global solid waste stream — on the health of children and workers in Accra, Ghana.

Grants and Funding

Grants of interest to GEH researchers.