Low-calorie Diet Slows Bladder Cancer
Low-calorie diets can slow the development of bladder cancer in mice by reducing the level of a key hormone called insulin-like growth factor 1, NIEHS research showed. This research established the role of caloric restriction in the prevention of certain cancers, and identified insulin-like growth factor 1 as a key risk factor in the development and progression of cancer.
Tags: cancer
Hursting SD, Switzer BR, French JE, Kari FW. 1993. The growth hormone: insulin-like growth factor 1 axis is a mediator of diet restriction-induced inhibition of mononuclear cell leukemia in Fischer rats. Cancer Res 53(12):2750-2757. [Abstract] [Full Text]
Doll R, Peto R. 1981. The causes of cancer: Quantitative estimates of avoidable risks of cancer in the United States today. J Natl Cancer Inst 66(6):1191-1308. [Abstract]
NIEHS Research Funding:
News Release:
- 1997: NIH Scientists Discover How Restricted Diets Slow Cancer; Advance Suggests a Drug Might Be Developed to Do the Same