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Particulate Matter Tied to Cardiovascular and Respiratory Deaths

black smoke coming from vehicle exhaust pipe

NIEHS-supported researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health announced their research, finding a strong correlation between exposure to particulate matter air pollution and death from all causes, including cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses. These analyses strengthen the argument for maintaining air quality standards for particulate matter.

Tags: air


Dominici F, McDermott A, Zeger SL, Samet JM. 2003. National maps of the effects of particulate matter on mortality: Exploring geographical variation. Environ Health Perspect 111(1):39-44. [Abstract] [PDF] [Full Text]

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NIEHS Programs:

News Release:

  • 2002: Link Strengthened between Lung Cancer, Heart Deaths and Tiny Particles of Soot, Dust

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