dark highway glowing blue

The development of the roadmap included the examination of 11 I&IT Landscape categories: Facilities and Physical Plant; Network; Data Center (Servers, Storage, Cloud); Clinical I⁢ Laboratory I⁢ Data and Knowledge Management; Website Communications; Non-Commodity Software; Commodity Business Computing; Continuity of Operations (COOP) and Disaster Recovery; and Security and Privacy.

Subject matter experts and stakeholders in each Landscape category were tasked with delineating boundaries and defining goals and strategic capabilities. Capability statements included what the priority capabilities were, why they matter, how to measure progress or success, and current status. CLC and the I&IT community will lead the implementation of these priorities.

Crosscutting I&IT themes spanning all 11 Landscape categories were identified and aligned with the NIEHS strategic plan themes. They include:

  1. Agility
    Promoting flexibility, adaptability, and interoperability across data, applications, systems, and personnel.
  2. Analytics
    Employing data-driven processes and technology to inform resource prioritization and optimize scientific, administrative, and funding decisions.
  3. Communications and Transparency
    Communicating the value, impact, and urgency of systems, processes, and policy in relationship to the NIEHS mission.
  4. Foster Collaboration
    Enhancing systems and policies that support data and personnel accessibility and interconnection for diverse internal and external stakeholders.
  5. Governance
    Implementing policies and procedures that inform and structure decision-making to enhance innovation and support compliance.
  6. Optimize Resources
    Increasing value of systems, platforms, applications, and processes by promoting efficiency and cost savings.
  7. Workforce Development
    Improving personnel efficacy, innovation, and coordination by developing new and enhanced skills to guide effective and impactful decisions.

Across the capabilities and crosscutting themes, CLC, with input from the NIEHS community, will develop an integrated and prioritized implementation plan that includes translation into specific I&IT projects. Project implementation will include identification and assignment of responsibility and accountability, and support prioritization of unmet staffing and funding requests, if applicable.

NIEHS I&IT Strategic Themes Support NIEHS Themes and Goals

chart of thems and goals


The I&IT Roadmap aligns strategic themes and priorities to achieve a more robust and agile technological environment that effectively supports the NIEHS mission.

2019 – 2023 NIEHS Mission

The mission of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences is to discover how the environment affects people in order to promote healthier lives.