Environmental Health Economic Analysis Annotated Bibliography
These resources are included as supplemental materials for the NIEHS Health Economics Assessment Annotated Bibliography project.
Additional articles, documents and book chapters relevant to the Bibliography can be found in this . This supplemental resource includes economic analyses, evaluations of economic and/or health variables, article, grey literature, books, and book chapters.
Environmental Health Economic Analysis Tools
National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network
This Web portal provides overview of the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (Tracking Network), which compiles data from a variety of national, city, and state sources to create a system of integrated health, exposure, and hazard information. This tool allows visibility of maps, tables, and charts with data about chemicals and chronic diseases in different locations within the United States. This tool may provide researchers with ideas for data sources that can be used in environmental health and economic analyses.
Hosted by: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health, Environmental Health Tracking Branch
This webpage presents national trend data from the Health System Measurement Project, which tracks government data on critical U.S. health system indicators. It provides detailed views broken out by population characteristics such as age, sex, income level, and insurance coverage status. This tool may provide researchers with ideas for data sources that can be used in environmental health and economic analyses.
Hosted by: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
How BenMAP-CE Estimates the Health and Economic Effects of Air Pollution: What Are the Health Impacts Associated With Poor Air Quality?
This webpage provides an overview of how EPA’s Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program-Community Edition (BenMAP-CE) which estimates the health and economic impacts associated with air pollution. The program uses health impact functions constructed using information from published epidemiology literature to estimate health impacts. BenMAP-CD uses both Cost of Illness and Willingness to Pay metrics to calculate the economic value of changes in air quality.
Hosted by: US EPA
Co-Benefits Risk Assessment (COBRA) Screening Model: A Tool That Estimates the Health and Economic Benefits of Air Quality Policies
This Webpage provides an overview of EPA’s Co-Benefits Risk Assessment Screening Model (COBRA), a free tool to help state and local governments estimate and map air quality, human health, and related economic benefits of clean energy policies and programs as well as approximate the outcomes of clean energy policies for specific air pollutants from the county to national level. Several additional resources, including a COBRA user manual, are available on the Webpage. Interested parties can download COBRA from this website.
Hosted by: US EPA
Environmental Health Economic Analysis Websites
National Center for Environmental Economics: PublicationsWebpage provides publications authored by NCEE staff or prepared under a contract/grant/cooperative agreement that was overseen by NCEE. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Center for Environmental Economics (NCEE) offers a centralized source of technical expertise to the Agency, as well as other federal agencies, Congress, universities, and other organizations. NCEE’s staff specializes in analyzing the economic and health impacts of environmental regulations and policies, and assists EPA by informing important policy decisions with sound economics and other sciences.
Hosted by: EPA National Center for Environmental Economics
Environmental Economics ReportsThe NCEE Environmental Economics Report Inventory is a collection of more than 660 research reports prepared both by and for the NCEE and its predecessor offices. Over 300 reports can be downloaded in Word, Adobe Acrobat, or WordPerfect, and 13 are browsable.
Hosted by: EPA National Center for Environmental Economics
Frequently Asked Questions on Mortality Risk ValuationWebsite contains information on Frequently Asked Questions about Mortality Risk Valuation and U.S. EPA NCEE practices concerning the use and measurement of the "Value of a Statistical Life" as it is applied in EPA economic analyses.
Hosted by: EPA National Center for Environmental Economics
supplemental spreadsheet (151KB)Webpage provides a factsheet from the University of Oxford Medical Sciences Division that defines and explains sensitivity analysis and related economic terms.
Hosted by: University of Oxford Medical Sciences Division