NIEHS Releases Strategic Plan
In May, NIEHS unveiled a strategic plan aimed at challenging and energizing the scientific community to use environmental health sciences to improve human health and understand the causes of disease. The plan, "New Frontiers in Environmental Sciences and Human Health," called for interdisciplinary teams of scientists to investigate a broad spectrum of disease factors, including environmental agents, genetics, age, diet, and activity levels.
Tags: genes
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. NIEHS 2006-2011 Strategic Plan: New Frontiers in Environmental Sciences and Human Health. Environmental Health Perspectives. Research Triangle Park (NC): Environ Health Perspect, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (US); 2006 24 p. Report No. NIH Publication 2006-218.
Environmental Health Perspectives. 2006. 2006-2011 Strategic Plan: New Frontiers in Environmental Sciences and Human Health. Research Triangle Park, N.C.: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Available: PDF (1MB) [accessed 03 January 2011]
NIEHS Research Funding:
News Releases:
- 2006: NIEHS Director Celebrates One Year Anniversary: Unveils New Strategic Plan for Environmental Health Sciences
- 2005: A Role for Public and Scientists in NIEHS Research Plan
Environmental Health Perspectives articles: