ORIO: Online Resource for Integrative Omics

ORIO (Online Resource for Integrative Omics) is a platform for integration of whole genome data accessible to life scientists with minimal computational expertise. ORIO is implemented in a modern web framework that intuitively organizes data and analysis results. All features are accessible using its web interface; environmental health scientists and other users may upload data, set-up analyses, and view results all through an interactive GUI. ORIO hosts 4,506 human and mouse datasets from the ENCODE research project, providing a point of access for life scientists to contextualize their own data within a rigorously controlled consortial dataset. Statistical tests are also implemented next to dynamic displays of analysis results, allowing transitions from discovery-based to hypothesis-based inquiries. ORIO was consciously designed to make minimal assumptions about data during analysis, allowing its applications to a variety of experiment types and study designs.


ORIO has been published in Lavender et al. 2017 .

To cite in your publications:

Lavender CA, Shapiro AJ, Burkholder AB, Bennett BD, Adelman K, Fargo DC. ORIO (Online Resource for Integrative Omics): a web-based platform for rapid integration of next generation sequencing data. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Jun 2; 45 (10): 5678-5690. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx270.

Example functionality

To show what ORIO has to offer, we've created five different examples. Details on each are described in the companion manuscript .

Vignette 1: Validation of experimental ChIP-seq data
Vignette 2: Characterization of ChIP-seq peaks by other NGS data
Vignette 3: Correlation of gene expression with histone modification data
Vignette 4: Recapitulation of cell lineages using NGS data
Vignette 5: Investigation of genome-wide transcription

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